Monday, April 11, 2011

Narrating Your Life: Morgan Freeman

He is the center of satire on shows like South Park. He is recognized as the go-to figure for narrating any movie, documentary, or television program. He has even played God on the big screen.What is our cultural obsession with Morgan Freeman?

He gained notoriety in the nineties for playing roles in class movies such as Driving Miss Daisy and Shawshank Redemption. But what is it about Morgan Freeman that gives him such star power? He's not good-looking at all. In fact, he looks like he's taking on a skin disease more and more throughout his films. But it is the unique quality of his voice that has made him stand out and be hired for several key roles in films. This unique voice has also made him the spokesperson for narration in modern-day pop films and documentaries. What is it about his voice that people connect with so much? It is the fact that Morgan Freeman doesn't rush his monologues, or pretend to overemphasize them. It is the fact that he often comes across understated in tone and attitude. Freeman is a classic example of an actor that really doesn't try at all. He just is.

Perhaps Morgan Freeman is the missing link for aspiring actors that do not have talent. After all, you cannot compare the factor of talent Freeman has to great actors of our time such as Robert Downey Jr. and Al Pacino. Instead it is the fact that at some point Morgan Freeman's voice was recognized as an asset to the screen. And often, as it is seen in Hollywood, all it takes is that one magic factor that has yet to be recognized.

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