Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bar Etiquette 101: Fake It Til You Make It

Sometimes it's boring going to the same bar or lounge every week. It gets tiring seeing the same types of faces, and ordering the same Jack and Coke on a Friday night. Once in a while, you have to shake things up.

Some of the best nights I've ever had was under a different alias, or fake identity. For example, instead of going as yourself, go as an exaggerated version of yourself. Tell a few of the hottest girls you normally wouldn't go up to that you're a plastic surgeon, or a talent agent from Hollywood. When they ask you where your card is, tell them you left it in your Bentley. Even if the girls think you're COMPLETELY full of shit, which they most likely will, you might end up charming one or two of them. Creativity never ceases to fail, gentlemen.

But if you really feel ballsy, try this move. You're at a cool, trendy spot filled with young hotties in the midst of Spring. In the front of the entrance, where the hostess checks you in, there's usually a supply of business cards with the bar's name and general contact information on it. Take one or two and slide it in your pocket.

Now, take those cards, grab your chosen wing man and approach a few hotties at the bar. When they make eye contact, slap down a card, look them directly in the eyes and tell her you own the bar. Then proceed to tell the bartender to get them whatever they want and that it's on the house. The look and see that the girls are completely shocked and turned on and walk away. It's a feeling of complete ego fulfillment, and even though you're totally full of shit, you've turned an otherwise average Friday into a narcissistic accomplishment based on lies and deceit.

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